About Us
For the Love of Family.

Matt Engel
Married to his bride Denise of 15 years, and blessed with their two children; serves as a Managing Partner of Engel Insights, LLC. A ministry designed to help and support other organizations in their ongoing desire to help increase in efficacy and capacity for serving their people. Matt also currently serves as the Executive Vice President of Operations and Data Intelligence at Relationship Enrichment Collaborative. Matt oversees operational and data understanding, application, integration, and strategic design elements using meta data, engagement platform and operational alignment. Formerly, he was a Senior Director and Adjunct Faculty Member at Arizona State University, both teaching within Enrollment Management and serving in that department as well. His team oversaw a shift in culture to an all-inclusive enrollment / engagement strategy, applying data analytics, modeling, and increased stewardship-service model enhancement that moved the university toward greater recruitment and retention. Success at ASU led to an invitation by Mission Community Church to rethink and reshape their approach to marriage, family/adult ministry, millennial engagement and outreach using data and analytics to increase participation and engagement within and throughout the church.

Denise Engel
Married to her husband Matt of 15 years, and blessed with their two children; serves as a Managing Partner of Engel Insights, LLC. A LLC and ministry designed to help and support other organizations, couples and individuals in their ongoing desire to help increase in efficacy and capacity for serving their people. With a specific emphasis on helping women transition from single to married and the parental role through mentorship and design related guidance to make this as smooth as possible. Denise graduated from Northern Arizona University with a Bachelors of Science Degree and worked at one of the largest home builders in Arizona for 7 years where she learned a great deal about all aspects of interior design and staging of homes. After working and being a mom for two years it was determined that being at home was the best place which allowed her the flexibility to serve in a leadership role at church in women’s ministry and eventually serve alongside Matt in the marriage ministry, specifically in pre-marriage mentorship. She has assisted in various design aspects over the past 7 years and has developed a deep passion for walking alongside women in whatever area of life they are in, finding true joy in designing, organizing & creating a welcoming environment and spirit for each individual.
Our Vision
To help organizations and individuals thrive.
Our Mission
To provide design and development strategies for corporations, couples and individuals to thrive in all aspects. This will be accomplished through the establishment & enrichment of organizational analysis, relationship formation and household formation.
Our Blog
Just some thoughts for Our Journey.
Quarantine Shopping List=Picture Book
Does anyone else’s shopping list these days resemble more of a picture book or is that just our family? Matt decided as soon as this whole thing was announced that we would only have one person in charge of shopping and that would be...
Easy Cinnamon Sugar Pecans
These easy cinnamon pecans are easy to make and taste delicious by themselves or on oatmeal.
Hello world!
Monday, April 13,2020, thirteen years ago today, I began the laboring process that would ultimately bring us our sweet Madeson three days later. It did not happen quickly or smoothly, as with all aspects of that pregnancy but then again...
What are you waiting for?